Tuesday 31 March 2015

Desire -- A Heart Warming Poem

Image result for desire in life
Photo Source :simplydeliciousliving.co

Desire!Desire!Desire !
You make everyone tried,
People feel happy to get fired ,
As you are one who gets everyone on livewire.

You make all the wives hooked on to you,
By displaying Sale  you get attention of all the husbands too,
As Sunday dawns  couples, family and kids come out  their house  only  to enjoy  the window shopping,
But when they enter the mall you capture them in your web  like the spider.

You compel them to try the shoe driver( a fictional brand name given to shoes ),
You are the cause and effect of their unhappiness,
They come to about the side effect  only after their laziness, 
Shopping bags stare at them in all  their loneliness.

Wives show all their fashion with a lot craziness,
Husband face shows hollow emptiness,
House looks in total creepiness,
Call the cook oh my dear  lady is in full readiness.

So I request you to give us sometime for tidiness ,
As you are the most feared,
People dread to come near as you are like the cycle  gear,
People wish to  live hear forever,

So  don't distract them from their dears ones,
Oh desire please leave alone ,
As already they are burning a cone .

With lots of Love and Happiness

Writer Gal


  1. I feel desire right now. Desire for Spring. It snowed yesterday. It snowed today. It might snow on Saturday. Spring! I must have Spring! Alana

    1. Wow!.In what a beautiful way you have described your desire for springs .Loved it Alana:-).Have a nice day .

      Hugs <3


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