Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Shivratri a uplifting festival

Image result for maha shivratri wallpaper
Photo Source :Google.com
Shivaratri is the festival that come around in month of Feb-March before the summer seasons starts.This festival is  celebrated every year by the Hindus .They offer water , milk, curds , honey and etc....thing that they use daily in the hope that Lord Shiva would release them from  the burdens of their present ,past and also remove the obstacles laying in the way of their future.

People often fast on this day to get 'Moksha '.Especially unmarried girls and ladies to get Vishnu .

This day is celebrated to mark the union of our body,mind , intellect and soul towards  the higher source like the way Lord Shiva  got married   to Him Raja 's daughter Parvati .To achieve  him she had to do a lot of penance and observe austerities .Like wise  we also should try to aheive him by regularly doing meditation ,chanting hymns and  doing other etc....activities which is quiet difficult to do these day because of work -pressure , stress and other things .But during  festivities we should at least try to do these things so that Lord will  remember  us forever otherwise he will forget us and we would  be  living like a animal .Having animistic qualities which shouldn't exist in us as we are thinking animals.

So this Shivaratri let us turn into  a new leaf by chanting "OM NAMAH SHIVAYA"

Photo Source:Swami Mitrananda 's Face book page

With Lot of Love and Hugs 

Happy Shivarati to All.

I hope you will enjoy reading this post 

Writer Gal 


  1. Thank you for educating this reader from the other side of the world. That is what I love about blogging - thre is always something new (for me) to learn. Alana

    1. My pleasure Alana :-) .Yes I agree completely with you on that blogging helps us discover something new like I found https://cosmosandcleome.wordpress.com/2015/02/16/garden-bloggers-bloom-day-february-2015/ on your blog which you follow .It was interesting to read. Thanks stopping by .
      Have a pleasant day
      Hugs <3

  2. The pic is captivating and so is the message. Happy Shivrathri.

    1. Yes! .Thanks for stopping by .Belated Shivratri Wishes to you &yours .Ajay Pai :-)

      Have a pleasant day


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